There are few people who can afford to make substantial cash gifts during their lifetime, but many can make a big difference when leaving a legacy donation.

As the situation across the region remains unstable, the prospect for another generation of Palestinians looks very bleak. MAP is committed to being there and providing a consistent and effective response to those whose health is threatened.

By leaving a legacy donation to MAP you would be making a crucial humanitarian commitment to those who continue to rely on us for support.

A legacy doesn't have to be for a lot of money; for people living in poverty, every donation is important. So please consider MAP when you decide who you would like to benefit from your will.

Make a will

Making a Will doesn't have to be costly or complicated. The best way to make a will is through your solicitor or legal adviser. If you do not have a legal adviser, visit The Law Society website to find a solicitor in your area.

Click here to draft your FREE WILL online now with Fairwill. 


Update your will

If you already have a will, the simplest way to make alterations is by making a Codicil. This is an instruction that is kept with your existing Will and which your solicitor can draw up.

Types of gifts

This is the remainder of your estate once other legacies, debts, taxes and expenses have been paid. A gift to MAP can be all or part of the residue of your estate.

Example wording for your will

‘I give to Medical Aid for Palestinians of 33a Islington Park Street, London, N1 1QB, Charity registration number 1045315 all [or [X]% share] of my residuary estate for its general charitable purposes. I declare that the receipt of the duly authorised Officer of Medical Aid for Palestinians shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

This is a fixed sum of money.

Example wording for your will

‘I give to Medical Aid for Palestinians of 33a Islington Park Street, London, N1 1QB, Charity registration number 1045315 free of all tax the sum of £[X] for its general charitable purposes. I declare that the receipt of the duly authorised Officer of Medical Aid for Palestinians shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.’

If you are thinking of setting up a trust fund for the benefit of a family member while they are alive, you may decide that any sum of money left in the trust after their death will go to Medical Aid for Palestinians.

When including Medical Aid for Palestinians as a beneficiary in a trust that you set up, please remember to use our full name and address, and charity number:

Medical Aid for Palestinians
33a Islington Park Street, London, N1 1QB
Registered charity number: 1045315

  • An item 

You can leave us something of value, such as a painting, property or shares. 

  • A Reversionary Gift

This gift allows you to leave your estate (or particular assets) to a named individual for their lifetime, but after they pass away the share you intended for Medical Aid for Palestinians will be passed to us. 

Let us know

You do not have to let us know if you have left a legacy in your will to MAP, although we greatly appreciate it if you can. This does not place you under any obligation - it simply gives us an indication of future support and helps MAP to plan for the longer term.

Complete the pledge form and return it to us, or simply drop us an email and let us know of your intentions. Any information you do give will be treated in the strictest confidence.

By remembering MAP, you will be giving substantial practical support to a cause that you strongly believe in.

Thank you for your generous support.